Sewer 1David "Butch" Erwin, Director of Sanitation
Justin Reiss, IPP Coordinator

James Schreier, Foreman
Keith Ritter, Foreman

215-536-5004 – Non-Emergency - M-F - 7:00am-3:30pm
215-721-3520 – Emergency – After Business Hours

The Borough of Quakertown wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), is located off Erie Road in Richland Township. The WWTP provides advanced secondary treatment and discharges treated effluent to the adjacent Tohickon Creek. The WWTP currently has a design capacity to handle a maximum monthly wastewater flow of 4.0 million gallons per day (mgd) and an organic design capacity to handle a loading of 6,670 pounds of BOD5 per day, according to PADEP NPDES Permit No. 0020290.

The treatment process normally employed at the Borough’s WWTP consists of influent pumping and screening, aerated grit removal, off-line flow equalization, primary sedimentation, roughing trickling filter, nitrification by trickling filters, contact tanks for chemical addition and phosphorus removal, final clarification, disinfection and post-aeration. A dechlorination system was installed and put on line in late 2002. Sludge handling facilities consist of an aerobic digester, gravity thickeners, and a centrifuge dewatering facility.

The current flow has averaged approximately 2.75 million gallons per day. The Borough owns and maintains the collection system. The Borough also accepts sewage from the Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority, which collects wastewater from Richland Township and Richlandtown Borough.

The Borough sewer rates are based on a customer's water consumption, even if the customer has a private well. Conserving water is good for the environment and can save money on water and sewer bills.