Quakertown, PA
Home MenuMeter Readings
Customer Relations -
Monday-Friday - 8:00am-4:30pm - 267-347-5009 or customercare@quakertown.org
Utility Emergency-After Hours - 215-721-3520
The Utility Meter and Reads
The Borough of Quakertown utilizes AMI (electronic meter readings) and meter readers who make every effort to read your meter every month. Our meter readers and utility service personnel will carry a picture identification card, which you should ask to see for your protection. Also, all Borough vehicles are clearly identified with the Borough logo. Please call Customer Relations immediately at 267-347-5009 if you have questions about the identity of an employee.
The meter is the property of the Borough of Quakertown. It is illegal for you to remove the utility meter or tamper with it. You have the responsibility to provide access to the meter to read and maintain it. You must make the meter accessible by keeping it free from obstructions. Pets must be restrained, and obstacles removed.
Supplying Your Own Meter Readings
If you would like all your bills to be based on actual meter readings instead of estimates, you may supply the utility with your readings. The Customer Relations Department accepts your meter reading at customercare@quakertown.org. You and the Customer Relations Department have the responsibility to make arrangements for meter readings if the meter is in a locked place. If your bill has been estimated for several months, your actual bill may be increased or decreased according to the usage indicated by the actual meter reading.