The Concert in the Park Series is an ongoing entertainment event for the residents of the Borough of Quakertown and the surrounding area.
Currently, through the series we are reaching over 1000 people and we expect this number to grow as lively bands and various genres of music are offered. This is the perfect place to enjoy free entertainment and get to meet some new friends. Guests are encouraged to bring their folding chairs or blankets and get comfortable on the lawn. Bring your own picnic or just show up and you can purchase delicious treats from a local food truck!
This series remains a highlight of the summer season for music lovers of all ages. All concerts are held on selected Sunday evenings of each month starting at 6:30 pm at the Park at 4th and free to all guests. All concerts will have a rain date for Monday following the scheduled concert. Bring your blanket and chairs for a great night of music and entertainment.